Lucretia Mott’s Extended Family

Brown, Anna Temple (c. 1820-1900): Daughter of Mary Coffin Temple(d.1824)
Lucretia Coffin Mott’a sister. Married Walter Brown (d. May 1879). Children: Henry, Walter (d. 1863), Marion “Minnie” (b.1855), George T. and Nathaniel.

Cavender, Elizabeth “Lib” Mott (1825-1865): Daughter of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott, married Thomas Cavender 21 July, 1845. They had five children: Frances, Henry, Thomas, Charles and Mary.

Coffin, Anna Folger (1771-1844): Mother of Lucretia Coffin Mott and wife of Captain Thomas Coffin Jr. (1766-1815).

Coffin, Thomas Mayhew (1798-1849): Brother of Lucretia Coffin Mott.

Davis, Edward Morris (1818-1897): Abolitionist, non-resistant and merchant. Son of Evan and Elizabeth Davis, married Maria Mott.

Davis, Maria Mott (1812-1897): Daughter of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott, married Edward Morris Davis on 28 October 1836. They had five children: Anna Coffin, Henry Corbit, Charles James, and William Morris. Another son, Charles James died in infancy.

Hopper, Anna Mott (1812-1874): Daughter of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott, married Edward Hopper 24 April 1833. They had five children: James, Lucretia, Maria, George and Isaac. Two did not live to adulthood, James Mott Hopper (1836-1837) and George A. Hopper (1847-1856).

Hopper, Edward (1812-1893): Philadelphia lawyer, son of Isaac T and Sarah Tatum Hopper, married Anna Mott, daughter of Lucretia Coffin Mott.

Lord, George Mott (1830-1880): Son of George and Ellen Waite Lord, wool merchant in business with Walter Brown in New York City, married Martha Mott, daughter of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott.

Lord, Martha Mott (1828-1916): Daughter of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott, married George Waite Lord. They had five children: Ellen, Elizabeth, Mary Mott, Anna and Lucretia Mott.

Mott, Marianna Pelham “Maria” (1825-1872): Daughter of Martha Coffin and Captain Peter Pelham, married Thomas Mott 28 July 1845. Thomas and Marianna had three children, Isabella, Emily and Maria.

Mott, Thomas (1823-1899): Fourth child of James and Lucretia Coffin Mott, married his first cousin Marianna Pelham 28 July 1845.

Wright, Martha Coffin (1806-2875): Lucretia Coffin Mott’s sister, first married Peter Pelham (1785-1826) and second married David Wright on 18 November 1829. By her first marriage, she had one daughter, Marianna Pelham Mott. By her second marriage she had six children: Eliza, Matthew Tallman, Ellen, William Pelham, Frank, and Charles Edward (1848-1849).

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