Election of 1864

Democratic Convention | Repubican Convention | Electoral Votes
Popular Votes | States Carries

In early 1864 Lincoln felt he was unlikely to win re-election, the war had not yet been decided. Despite this fact, the Republicans unanimously renominated Lincoln. The Democrats nominated General McClellan. The platform of the Democratic party called for a cease-fire. McClellan repudiated the Democratic platform saying the only basis for ceasefire was the restoration of the Union. McClellan strongly criticized Lincoln for the Emancipation of the slaves.

The Democrats attacked for being a “liar, despot, braggart and much more. The Democrats were accused of treason, and McClellans war record was ridiculed.
Between the Democratic convention and the election, there were spectacular Union victories including Sherman’s capture of Atlanta that combined with Lincoln receiving an estimated 80% of votes of Union soldiers ensured his overwhelming victory.

Eligible Voters Voting: 73.8% Eligible Voters Voting: 73.8%
Popular Vote chart Electoral Votes Chart

Voting map of 1864

State Candidate Votes % Candidate Votes %
California Abraham Lincoln 62,053 58.6 George McClellan 43,837 41.4
Connecticut Abraham Lincoln 44,673 51.4 George McClellan 42,285 48.6
Delaware Abraham Lincoln 8,155 48.2 George McClellan 8,767 51.8
Illinois Abraham Lincoln 189,512 54.4 George McClellan 158,724 45.6
Indiana Abraham Lincoln 149,887 53.5 George McClellan 130,230 46.5
Iowa Abraham Lincoln 83,858 63.1 George McClellan 49,089 36.9
Kansas Abraham Lincoln 17,089 79.2 George McClellan 3,836 17.8
Kentucky Abraham Lincoln 27,787 30.2 George McClellan 64,301 69.8
Maine Abraham Lincoln 67,805 59.1 George McClellan 46,992 40.9
Maryland Abraham Lincoln 40,153 55.1 George McClellan 32,739 44.9
Massachusetts Abraham Lincoln 126,742 72.2 George McClellan 48,745 27.8
Michigan Abraham Lincoln 91,133 55.1 George McClellan 74,146 44.9
Minnesota Abraham Lincoln 25,031 59.0 George McClellan 17,376 40.9
Missouri Abraham Lincoln 72,750 69.7 George McClellan 31,596 30.3
Nevada Abraham Lincoln 9,826 59.8 George McClellan 6,594 40.2
New Hampshire Abraham Lincoln 36,596 52.6 George McClellan 33,034 47.4
New Jersey Abraham Lincoln 60,724 47.2 George McClellan 68,020 52.8
New York Abraham Lincoln 368,735 50.5 George McClellan 361,986 49.5
Ohio Abraham Lincoln 265,674 56.4 George McClellan 205,609 43.6
Oregon Abraham Lincoln 9,888 53.9 George McClellan 8,457 46.1
Pennsylvania Abraham Lincoln 296,292 51.6 George McClellan 277,443 48.4
Rhode Island Abraham Lincoln 14,349 62.2 George McClellan 8,718 37.8
Vermont Abraham Lincoln 42,419 76.1 George McClellan 13,321 23.9
West Virginia Abraham Lincoln 23,799 68.2 George McClellan 11,078 31.8
Wisconsin Abraham Lincoln 83,458 55.9 George McClellan 65,884 44.1

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